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Postgraduate Medical Education

Awards & Grants

Below is a list of awards and grants available to residents, faculty and staff, with details and instructions on how to submit.

Resident Grants

This grant is offered to all postgraduate learners registered with the PGME office from all programs at McMaster University (Faculty members may not apply) who are seeking funding for scholarly research projects related to medical education. Applicants may only apply for one grant per year. Previous medical education research experience is not a requirement for the resident applicant however, each applicant should have an identified supervisor with some experience in medical education research and/or have together with their supervisor sought consultation from a medical education scientist. The resident is expected to be an active participant in the development and design of the proposal, the collection of the data, the writing of the submission and any abstracts or papers.

Application Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: not currently accepting applications; November 2024 TBC
Number of Awards Available: Varies
Award Amount: Up to a maximum of $5000
Timeline of Decision: Applications will be reviewed and announced in October.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • An abridged 3-page CV for both the applicant and supervisor highlighting previous activities related to medical education (research and scholarly activities, abstracts, etc.)
  • A project summary (maximum 1500 words) that includes
    • background and rationale (theoretical basis)
    • Proposed study question(s)/objective(s)
    • Methodology
    • Expected outcome/impact
  • Budget table and justification
    • Ineligible expenses include: statistical support, salary support for the resident or supervisor, University overhead, computers and other equipment unless integral to the study, publication costs in an Open Access Journal, and travel costs to attend a conference
  • Letter of Support from the Department Chair, Program Director or Departmental Education Coordinator/Vice-chair, Education


Social accountability in Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) requires education, projects, and initiatives directed toward improving health and services in our community, region, and beyond. The McMaster PGME Social Accountability Grant is available to McMaster trainees interested in the development and/or implementation of socially responsible projects. Our PGME subcommittees involved in social accountability include Global Health, Sustainable Healthcare, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Indigenous Health. Examples of potential themes can be found below. We encourage trainees to explore their own themes as well. If you’re considering a project that requires research/ethics approval, please review the PGME research grant.

Sustainable Healthcare

  • Reducing the environmental impact of healthcare
  • Enhancing clinical infrastructure to support the environment.
  • Organizing resident-led environmental activities in the broader community

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

  • Creating sustainable and meaningful equity-focused partnerships
  • Facilitating an enabling training environment for residents from diverse backgrounds that is free from discrimination, oppression, and racism.
  • Advancing EDI in healthcare settings
  • Disability/Accessibility initiatives

Global Health

  • Fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative relationships with global or local communities
  • Supporting communities in achieving their self-identified goals or needs
  • Focusing on initiatives that improve health and have long-term viability.

Indigenous Health

  • Empowering Indigenous voices in healthcare
  • Fulfilling the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action
  • Assisting in priorities identified by Indigenous communities.

Application Submitted by: Resident(s)
Deadline for Submission: not currently accepting applications; February 2025 TBC
Number of Grants Available: 6
Grant Amount: Up to a maximum of $5000
Timeline of Decision: Applications will be reviewed and announced in March
Submission Process:

  • Completed application form
  • Letter of intent highlighting the initiative, previous activities, and involvement in social accountability.
  • Project summary (maximum 1500 words) that includes:
  • Background, rationale, feasibility
  • Relevance to current conditions
  • Criteria to consider:
    • Equity consideration
    • Potential long-term impact
  • Budget explanation and justification
    • Ineligible expenses include: statistical support, salary support for the resident or supervisors, University overhead, gifts, travel, computers and other equipment unless integral to the study, publication costs
  • Support letter(s) acknowledging your involvement from Program Director and Project Mentor
  • Letter from the impacted group (if applicable) showing their support and understanding of your objectives.

The selection committee are the members of the Social Accountability Council (global health, sustainable health, EDI, Indigenous health). Successful applicants must submit to the Associate Dean, PGME and the Social Accountability Council by July 1 of the following year a summary of the results of the work supported by the grant.


This award was established in 1980 to encourage and support scholarly research and outstanding teaching involvement amongst residents at McMaster or other institutions. The guidelines for applications is as follows:

  1. Applications are invited for Regional Medical Associates (RMA) Scholarships to support original research carried out by registered postgraduate trainees of the Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University:
    1. A trainee may apply for only one research project per year
    2. A trainee may apply for a maximum of two research projects over their time within their training program and these research projects must be on two different topics
    3. The applicant must be the principal investigator, rather than a new investigator added to an existing project
  2.  Scholarships will be awarded to a maximum of $7,500. Applications for funding up to $15,000 will be considered if the applicant is able to secure guaranteed departmental funding up to the total amount above the Regional Medical Associates (RMA) scholarship maximum of $7,500.
  3. Allowable items in a study budget include:
    1. Salary costs (e.g., data entry clerk, research assistant, statistical consultation), not to exceed 75% of the total budget of the submitted proposal.
    2. Laboratory supplies.
    3. Mailing, courier, printing, stationery.
    4. Software that has a demonstrated need for successful completion of the project.
  4. The cost of capital equipment (i.e. computers) or those medical services that are normally provided by health care insurance are not eligible expenses. A separate request may be made within two years of the announcement of the award to fund travel costs, not to exceed $1,500 per study to present research findings from the study. Costs for publication should be submitted subsequently with justification. This is not to exceed $500.

Application Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: September 11, 2024
Number of Awards Available: Dependent on number of submissions
Timeline of Decision: The selection committee will meet and the award winners will be notified in October.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the completed application form include:

  • Completed application form.
  • A detailed budget.
  • Two supporting letters  from the Program Director and Research Supervisor (to define the role of the trainee in the creation, design and implementation of the project).

The Selection Committee will be appointed by the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education on an annual basis and will include a faculty researcher, a faculty member from the RMA board and a postgraduate trainee. The Committee may seek the opinion of internal or external referees as the need arises. Under normal circumstances, it is anticipated that at least one award will be given for a project which addresses primary health care. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.

Awards will be announced to the Postgraduate Education Committee, the Health Sciences Education Committee, and Regional Medical Associates Board of Directors and reported to the trainee’s program director. Once awarded, residents will require approval from the Ethics Review Board and subsequently open a Research Account for the funds to be transferred to within the academic year.

Successful applicants must submit to the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education by July 1 of the following year a summary of the results of the work supported by the scholarship.


This grant aims to provide an opportunity for McMaster postgraduate medical trainees to connect and build friendships by assisting with the cost of social events, thereby improving overall trainee well-being.

We hope to support fun and relaxing events that allow for connection and conversation. Past resident groups have done pottery classes, boat tours, hiking, bowling, and dinners.

Application Submitted by: Learner
Deadline for Submission: Continuous
Number of Awards Available: 10-15 per year of up to $400
Submission Process: Completed application form

Once the application has been submitted, you can expect to hear from Resident Affairs within 7 business days.


Resident Awards

The Ennis Endowment Fund for Breast Cancer Treatment award was established in 2020 by the estate of Dr. Jeffrey Ennis, to be awarded to medical residents who demonstrate excellence in their residency program and are focusing on breast cancer research and treatment.

Application Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: March 4, 2024
Number of Awards Available: 1
Award Amount: Approximately $2000 (2023)
Selection Process: To be awarded annually by the Faculty of Health Sciences on the recommendation of a selection committee which shall include, at a minimum, the Chair of the Department of Oncology and the Assistant Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education.

Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • A brief description of their educational background, affiliations and experience in the field of breast cancer research and treatment. The applicant should describe a program of study that they intend to pursue in the field of breast cancer research and treatment which requires the financial support from this fund. The program can include individual conferences, courses, workshops, etc. and/or extended visits to clinical or research settings with recognized expertise in breast cancer research and treatment. Applications will be judged on the merits of the applicant and his/her proposed plan of study.

Allocation of Award: Funds may be used to reimburse expenditures including: conference travel/fees, workshops, travel costs for work with experts in the field of breast cancer, and other expenses as deemed eligible by the selection committee.


The Ennis Endowment Fund for Pain Management award was established in 2014 by Dr. Jeff Ennis and Ms. Gilda Ennis, to provide funding for residents who demonstrate excellence in their residency program and show interest in the field of rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate an interest in education and learning outside of the University

Application Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: March 4, 2024
Number of Awards Available: 1
Award Amount: Approximately $2000 (2023)
Selection Process: To be awarded annually by the Faculty of Health Sciences on the recommendation of a selection committee which shall include the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, the Chair of the Department of Medicine and the Chair of the Department of Family Medicine. Members of the Ennis family will have the option to attend selection committee meetings.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • A brief description of their educational background, affiliations and experience in the field of chronic pain and non-interventional rehabilitation. The applicant should describe a program of study that they intend to pursue in the field of chronic pain and non-interventional rehabilitation and which requires the financial support from this fund. The program can include individual conferences, courses, workshops, etc. and/or extended visits to clinical or research settings with recognized expertise in chronic pain and non-interventional rehabilitation. Applications will be judged on the merits of the applicant and his/her proposed plan of study.

Allocation of Award: The award can be applied to individual conferences, courses, workshops, etc. and/or extended visits to clinical or research settings with recognized expertise in chronic pain and non-interventional rehabilitation

Funds may be used to be used to reimburse expenditures including: conference travel / fees, travel costs for work with experts in the field of pain management and other expenses as deemed eligible by the selection committee


The Karen and Ian Fraser Endowment Fund for Post Graduate Medical Specialties award was established in 2016, and it is to be awarded to an outstanding resident enrolled in their final year of a post graduate medical specialty program. The candidate will be nominated by peers and selected based on recognized excellence in teaching and research, including academic excellence, demonstrated leadership and commitment to clinical care, in their post graduate medical specialty program

Nomination Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: March 4, 2024
Number of Awards Available: 1
Award Amount: Approximately $1000 (2018/2019)
Selection Process: The Selection Committee will select the award winner.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Reference letter outlining academic excellence, demonstrated leadership and commitment to clinical care of the colleague they would like to nominate. A maximum of 2 letters from residents per nominee will be accepted


This award recognizes a resident who has demonstrated outstanding advocacy for medical students and resident colleagues through individual mentorship and exemplary role-modelling of the CanMEDS roles. The Resident Mentor can be recognized for his/her support and advocacy for the education and well-being of trainees in the clinical setting, supervision of research projects, exemplary teaching and coaching that promotes learning in a safe and positive learning environment.
Nomination Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Eligibility: All residents registered in a Royal College or CFPC training program
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of three awards will be given annually
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include:

  • Resident/medical student to submit a nomination letter (maximum of two pages – 500 words per page)
  • For each nomination, a maximum of three letters will be accepted


This award recognizes a resident who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to residency education in their own program, or provincially and/or nationally. The Resident-Leader has had a positive impact through exemplary teaching skills, development of educational curricula in teaching and assessment, advocacy of residency education, and any other efforts that have enhanced the educational experience, and/or contributed to innovation in residency education.

Nomination Submitted by: Faculty and Resident
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Eligibility: All residents registered in a Royal College or CFPC training program who are PGY2 or greater
Number of Awards Available: Varies
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Nomination package must include a minimum of two letters and a maximum of three
  • At least one letter must be submitted by a resident
  • One letter must be submitted by a faculty member who is involved in residency education (e.g. Program Director, Member of Residency Program Committee, Departmental Educational Coordinator, Department Chair)
  • Nomination letters should be a maximum of two pages, 500 words per page


The Mr. Patrick Shing Lung Cheung and Mrs. Ivy Heong Ngan Chan Resident Award was established in 2016 and it is granted to residents who demonstrate excellence in their residency program and show interest in global health.

Nomination Submitted by: Program Director
Deadline for Submission: March 4, 2024
Number of Awards Available: 1
Award Amount: $1000
Selection Process: To be awarded annually by the Faculty of Health Sciences on the recommendation of a selection committee which shall include, at minimum, the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education and the Chair of the Department of Family Medicine.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Program Director letter outlining academic performance within the program and the global health initiative developed by the nominated resident


Quality assurance is a test of whether things are being done as well as they could/should be. It compares current practice with current standards/ best practices. It does not consider a completely new treatment, but tests the adherence to a treatment that is considered to be best practice. Awards will be given each year to recognize the best work done in complete quality assurance projects. An award may be given to an individual or to a group of any size who worked jointly on a project. All nominees must be registered as Residents with the Postgraduate Education Office.
Nomination Submitted by: Program Director
Deadline for Submission: not currently accepting applications; October 2024 TBC
Number of Awards Available: 5
Award Amount: $1000
Timeline of Decision: Applications will be reviewed and announced in December.
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Each Program Director may submit up to 2 nominations to the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education. Programs with more than 40 residents may submit 3 nominations
  • The nomination should summarize the work done and provide sufficient detail to describe the purpose of the project, methodology used, results obtained, and a discussion on the impact of this work
  • A completed abstract or paper in publishable format. When work is done with a supervisor, it is important to describe the initiative shown by the resident and the proportion of the work done by the resident
  • Supervisor and Program Director to submit covering letter describing amount of work done and seniority of resident(s)


This award recognizes residents who are committed to creating, promoting and advocating for a healthy and balanced training experience. We encourage nominations for residents who impact or enhance a culture of wellness and/or wellness focused initiatives in their program or across program disciplines. Residents should be considered if they:

  • Take a leadership role to promote and support a culture of wellness
  • Advocate for a healthy Learner experience and training environment
  • Are considered a ‘wellness champion’ by modelling daily wellness
  • Facilitate wellness initiatives directed at the well-being of other trainees

Nomination Submitted by: Residents, Faculty
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Eligibility: All residents registered in a Royal College or CFPC training program
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of 2 awards will be given annually
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Residents to submit a nomination letter (maximum of two pages – 500 words per page)
  • Supporting letter from Program Director or Departmental Education Coordinator/ Vice-Chair of Education or Chair of Department/Division Head
  • For each nomination, a maximum of three letters will be accepted


Clinical Fellowship Awards

This award recognizes a Clinical Fellow who has demonstrated outstanding advocacy for clinical fellows and/or resident colleagues through individual mentorship, teaching  and exemplary role-modelling. The Clinical Fellow Mentor will be recognized for their support and advocacy for the education and mentoring of trainees in the clinical setting, supervision of research projects, exemplary teaching and coaching that promotes learning in a safe and positive environment. A maximum of four awards will be given annually.

Eligibility: Clinical Fellows enrolled in a post-residency clinical fellowship program, including the Area of Focused Competence (AFC) programs. Clinical fellows following a subspecialty residency stream are eligible for the PGME Resident Awards.

Submissions: Clinical Fellows/residents/faculty/staff are to submit a nomination letter (maximum 2 pages – 500 words per page). For each nomination, a maximum of three letters will be accepted. At least one letter must be from trainees, describing the impact of the Clinical Fellow on their training and/or professional development.

Selection: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards Subcommittee. Winners will be notified, and awards will be presented at the first annual June Fellowship Graduation Dinner.

Deadline: Deadline for nominations is April 22, 2024.


Faculty & Staff Awards in Education

This award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by a faculty member in advancing Residency Education. The individual has demonstrated exemplary teaching of residents and has made significant contributions to any of the following:

  • Program development and administration demonstrating leadership and organizational skills
  • Innovative approaches to teaching and assessment
  • Development of novel curricula promoting intrinsic CanMEDS roles (e.g. Professionalism, Resident wellness)
  • Research contributions to teaching and assess mentor other aspects of residency education

Nomination Submitted by: Faculty and Resident
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of four awards will be given annually
Eligibility: All full-time and part-time Faculty in Hamilton, Waterloo Regional campus and Niagara Regional campus
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Nomination package must include a minimum of two nomination letters and a maximum of three
  • One letter must be submitted by a resident
  • One letter must be submitted by a faculty member who is involved in residency education (e.g. Program Director, Member of Residency Program Committee, Departmental Educational Coordinator, Department Chair)


This award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding advocacy for residents through individual mentorship and exemplary role-modelling of the CanMEDS roles. Mentors can be recognized for their support for resident research, contribution to a positive learning environment, advancing resident wellness and/or professional and personal support.

Nomination Submitted by: Resident
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of four awards will be given annually
Eligibility: All full-time and part-time Faculty in Hamilton, Waterloo Regional campus and Niagara Regional campus
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Nomination package can include a maximum of three nomination letters
  • Letters are a maximum of two pages – 500 words per page


The Program Administrator is a key individual for the success of a residency program, working in partnership with the Program Director and faculty in ensuring a positive learning environment for residents. Program Administrators are essential for moving residency programs forward in implementing new initiatives in residency education. This award recognizes a Program Administrator who has demonstrated outstanding advocacy for residents and excellence in supporting all aspects of residency education.

Nomination Submitted by: Learner, Program Director
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of two awards will be given annually
Eligibility: All Program Administrators of Royal College or CPFC residency programs or AFC Programs
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Resident nomination letter (maximum of 2 pages – 500 words per page)
  • Program Director nomination letter (maximum of 2 pages – 500 words per page)


This award recognizes a faculty member who is committed to creating, promoting and advocating for a healthy and well-balanced training experience for Learners. We encourage nominations for faculty members if they have created or enhanced a culture of wellness in their program.  Faculty should be considered for this award if they:

  • Promote and support a culture of wellness for Learners;
  • Facilitate wellness initiatives directed at the wellbeing of Learners.
  • Advocate for a healthy Learner experience and training environment
  • Are considered a ‘wellness champion’ by modelling daily wellness;
  • Intentionally train Learners how to practice wellness and/or become a well-balanced physician;
  • Are committed to supporting wellness initiatives driven by Learners.

Nomination Submitted by: Resident, Faculty
Deadline for Submission: April 22, 2024
Eligibility:  All faculty affiliated with McMaster University
Number of Awards Available: Maximum of two awards will be given annually
Timeline of Decision: Nominations will be reviewed by the PGME Awards subcommittee in May. Winners will be notified and awards will be presented at the annual June graduation dinner
Submission Process: Required documents to attach to the form include –

  • Residents to submit a nomination letter (maximum of two pages – 500 words per page).
  • Supporting letter from Program Director or Departmental Education Coordinator/ Vice-Chair of Education or Chair of Department/Division Head
  • For each nomination, a maximum of three letters will be accepted.